Release CW44/2024

Release CW44/2024

Release date: Oct 30, 2024

Changes, Improvements, and Fixes

Notifications in the Portal

OperatorService Provider

We reworked the notifications menu and added a button to mark all notifications as read at once.

Whiteboard: Locked-State

OperatorService Provider

Whiteboards in a Service Case chat are locked, i.e. cannot be modified, when the Service Case is closed. This is now properly reflected in the frontend.

Additional Configurations on Company Settings Page

OperatorService Provider

On the company settings page, further information of the own company can now be added. The information will be used in the future to present the own company to other companies on the platform. The additional information includes a company logo and a marketing picture as well as a marketing slogan and a company short description.

Option to make own Company not browsable for Others

OperatorService Provider

Even so the symmedia Hub is a multi-tenancy platform that focusses on helping companies to get in touch with each other, there are reasons that some companies don’t want to be found through the tenant search. An example would be if the company is just testing the platform or currently in the onboarding phase. Therefore, a possibility to opt-out has been added to the company settings page to hide the own company in search results and proposals.

New User-Role for API Users - “Data Analyst - Controller”

OperatorService Provider

A new user role has been added, focussing on API users. This role has only limited functionality in the symmedia Hub frontend, but is able to read all information of the own tenant on API level but has no create, manage or delete permissions.

This includes Service Cases, Licensing information, Users, Customers, Customer Machines, Service Organisations, Assets, Facilities, and related features.

Enhance Navigation in Asset Creation / editing Drawers


The navigation in the Asset creation and editing drawers has been improved. It is now easier to skip steps and possible to jump from on step to another by clicking on the headline of the step.

Service Case: show External IDs

Service Provider

External IDs for Service Cases are now displayed on the Service Case details page for Service Providers if an External ID as been set. Furthermore, the External ID can now also be added to the Service Case overview table to ease finding a Service Case by its External ID (inactive by default).

Machine Asset Components in the Service Provider Billing View

Service Provider

Users with the tenant admin permission do have access to the Service Provider Billing View, which displays all billing relevant information for active machine assets per customer and month. The license subscription overview is now extended by the number of machine asset components to be billed (connected) as counted from the machines connection configuration.