Operator - Documents & Media

The Documents & Media module allows to share asset related documentation between different users.

The documents can be uploaded by the Service Provider of the asset or by the operating company.

Documents & Media shared by the Service Provider

Service Providers can upload two different types of documents and share it with the operator of the asset. Documents that are uploaded by the Service Provider can be identified when the column Originates from says Service Provider.

Machine model related documents & media

These documents are related to a certain machine model (machine type) such as user manuals or data sheets. These documents are the same for all assets with an identical machine model.

Machine / asset related documents & media

These documents are related to the certain asset such as warranty documents, results of test runs etc.

Documents & Media shared by the Operator

Operating companies can upload own documents & media for the certain assets to share it with the users of own tenant. 

You can add new media or download existing media from the list.

Admitted document types include:

  • All text, image and video formats (as well as .pdf and .zip)


 List of restricted file types


The maximum file size is <=200 MB. Upload of executables is not permitted.

  • Tab Assets: The document / media file is provided for this model along with the following infos:
    • Asset
    • Machine model
    • Media name
    • Media type
    • Category
    • Language
    • Originates from

List of available media files.

  • Sort the list by using the buttons in the top row.
  • Search for a certain term within a respective column using the filter button  and typing something into the search field.


  • Customize the displayed columns by clicking on .
    • Check the entries from the list of columns to be displayed in the overview.
    • Align the sequence of the entries by dragging & dropping the entries in your desired order.

The selections will be permanently stored for your user and can be reset to factory setting by clicking .

  • Download media file by clicking the   button in the respective row.
  • Delete an existing entry by clicking the  button in the respective row.

  • Add new media file by clicking the button.

A dialog for uploading new media files opens.

  1. Upload a media file from your device via (mandatory).
  2. Enter a media file name in field Label (optional). If no media name is entered, the file name will be displayed.
  3. Select a machine model from the dropdown list under Machine Model (mandatory).
  4. Select a category from the list under Category (optional).
    Available categories are: diagrams, handbooks, legal, monitoring, maintenance, manual, onboarding, repair, safety, specification, technical and miscellaneous.
  5. Select a media file language from the dropdown list unter Language (optional).
  6. Finish the input by clicking .

A summary of the entered data is now displayed.

If everything is correct:

  • Create the new media entry via .


  • Correct your input via .

The newly added media file is now available in the overview.