Asset License Subscriptions

Asset License Subscriptions

In the Operator - Asset License Subscriptions module, licenses of connected and unconnected assets can be displayed and exported.
If you have questions related to licensing, please also check your SaaS agreement that has been applied within the tenant onboarding.

Each connected Asset is billed with a certain number of Connected Asset Subscriptions.

The number of Tunnel Connection Configurations (e.g. OPC-UA adapter, WebVNC, tunnel connection, file transfer endpoint) included in a Connected Asset Subscription is 2 by default (but may differ for a tenant).

Additional Tunnel Connection Configurations generate further Connected Asset Subscriptions, whereas 2 Tunnel Connection Configurations always generate one additional Connected Asset Subscription.

The maximum number of different Tunnel Connection Configurations per Connected Asset is determined for each billing period.

The total number of connected licenses will be billed on a monthly base by symmedia according to the active SaaS agreement.
Each Unconnected Asset is billled by an Unconnected Asset Subscription. The number of Unconnected Asset Subscription is therefore 0 or 1.

List of Assets with their respective subscriptions.

  • Search for a certain term within a respective column using the filter button  and typing something into the search field.

  • Choose a specific month by clicking on the date chooser or click on arrows to swipe left and right.
  • The month is applied for both total number of connected and unconnected licenses and the list of customer licenses

  • Export the list of licenses to XLS by clicking on .
  • Select the columns you want to add to your export file by checking the respective entries and click on .

An XLS file is then downloaded to your computer.

  • Customize the displayed columns by clicking on .
    • Check the entries from the list of columns to be displayed in the overview.
    • Align the sequence of the entries by dragging & dropping the entries in your desired order.

The selections will be permanently stored for your user and can be reset to factory setting by clicking .