Tenant roles

Tenant roles


We have different types of companies (tenants) that are participating on the platform. The users of these tenants have access to different features on the platform.

For example, an Operator is able to send Service Cases, whereas a Service Provider receives the Service Cases and provides service to the Operators. This is enabled by different user roles that are enabled by the tenant roles described here.

A tenant can have multiple tenant roles.


  • A Service Provider/Machine Manufacturer can operate machines of other Service Providers on their own shopfloor.
  • An Operating company has an internal service organisation/maintenance department for 1st level support.
  • A Service Provider has developed applications that are offered via the symmedia Hub.

Available tenant roles:


The Basic tenant role is automatically assigned to every tenant on the platform.


The Operator tenant role is used by companies operating machine assets on their shopfloor. Service Cases for the assets are shared with the responsible Service Provider tenant.

Operator Internal Service

The Operator Internal Service tenant role is an optional addition to the Operator role. It enables an additional Internal Service workflow within the Operator organization.

Service Provider

Service Providers offer their services related to machines on the platform. Usually machine manufacturers or dedicated service companies are using the platform in the role of a Service Provider.