User Roles

Essential Roles

The platform comes with a set of essential roles to cover the basic needs. These essential user roles are dependent on the tenant role (the role of the company on the platform - e.g. Machine Operator, Service Provider or App Developer).

Basic Roles

Each tenant has a basic set of permissions and a Tenant Admin has essential roles allowing to manage the own tenants on the platform.

Tenant admin

The focus of the Tenant Admin is to administrate his company accounts. He has no permissions for operational work.

  • This role needs to be assigned to at least one tenant user - the first user that is invited to create a new tenant is always a Tenant Admin.

  • Main permissions are User Invitation & Management and Role Assignment.

User & Access Management

  • Invite and delete users of the own tenant
  • Assign roles & scope to users

Tenant Configuration

  • Manage Company information
  • Manage appearance of the platform for all users of the tenant

Tenant admins are NOT able to delete their own account or unassign the admin role from their own account. The purpose is to prevent tenants from being unable to work without an administrator.

Operator Roles

Operating companies are usually invited by their Service Provider. Besides the basic tenant role Tenant Admin, these tenants come with the essential roles Workshop Manager and Machine Operator.

White: No AccessYellow: Limited AccessGreen: Full access
FeatureMachine OperatorWorkshop Manager(optional) Operator - internal Service Cases(optional) Maintenance Engineer
Short DescriptionThe Machine Operator is operating his daily business at the machine on the production site. If a problem with his machine occurs, he wants to get immediate support by his Service ProviderThe focus of the Workshop Manager is to administrate the digital shopfloor in an Operating Company. Moreover, he has all necessary permissions to use the Service Case Management.

The Operator - internal Service Cases is an alternative to the Machine Operator.

The only difference is that he cannot create shared Service Cases, but is enabled to create Internal Service Cases

The Maintenance Engineer role enables users to provide Internal Service within the Operator organization as well as request Service from external Service Providers.
(optional) Internal Service Cases

Service Case Management ManageManageReadManage
Digital ShopfloorReadManageReadRead
Documents & MediaReadManageReadRead

Feature Descriptions

Internal Service Cases

  • Create/Manage Internal Service Cases

Service Case Management

  • Read/Manage Shared Service Cases

  • Read Internal Service Cases

  • Use Conferencing in all Service Cases
  • (De-)Activate Remote Access for all Service Cases
  • Manage: Use Remote Access Connections for all Service Cases

Digital Shopfloor

  • Read/Manage Facilities
  • Read/Manage Assets

  • Accept asset proposals and assign assets to Facilities

Documents & Media

  • Read/Manage Documents for your Assets


  • Install/Update/Uninstall apps for your connected assets

Service Provider Roles

White: No Access

Yellow: Limited Access

Green: Full access

Feature1st Level supportService TechnicianMaster Data ManagerCustomer Data Manager

Service Manager (deprecated)

Short DescriptionThe main focus of 1st Level Support is working in Service Case Management. This role is able to view the most objects but not to manage them. The idea of this role is to be the first touch point in case of service or if questions arise. 

Service Technician is supposed to fit for 2nd level or last level support as well as field service. He has all permission of the 1st Level Support and additionally all possibilities for Remote Access and managing Edge Devices.

The Master Data Manager manages the Machine Models and the templates and compatibilities on Machine Model level.The Customer Data Manager is focusing on Customer Management and is permitted to do every task in this section such as creating Service Organisations, Customers and Customer Machines and invite Customers to the platform.

The Service Manager had all permissions that were available for the operational work on Service Provider side in the past.

This role is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use the roles on the left..

Service Case ManagementManageManage
Remote Access / File Transfer

Customer Management

Machine Models incl. templates (e.g. for Remote Access or Data Services)ReadReadManageRead
Documents & MediaManageManageManageManage
Edge DevicesReadManageReadManage
ReadRead and Assign to Machine Models

Machine Licenses

Read and Download

Feature Descriptions

Service Case Management

  • Read/Manage Service Cases from Customers
  • Read permission includes the use of Conferencing features in the context of a Service Case

Use Remote Access / File Transfer

  • Configure & start Remote Access sessions

  • Configure & use File Transfer

Customer Management

  • Read/Manage Service Organisations
  • Read/Manage Customers
  • Read/Manage Customer Machines
  • Read/Manage Service Contracts
  • Link Customer Machines with Edge Devices

Machine Models incl. templates (e.g. for Remote Access or Data Services)

  • Read/Manage Machine Models
  • Manage templates for Remote Access on Machine Model level
  • Manage templates for OPC-UA configuration
  • Manage application compatibility on Machine Model level

Documents & Media

  • Read/Manage Documents for Machine Models

Machine Licenses

  • Read and Download License information

Edge Devices

  • Read/Manage Edge Devices


  • Read Application information
  • Make Applications available for installation on Machine Model level

Individual Roles

After Onboarding, it is possible to create individual roles for a specific tenant to adapt the internal service processes. Please contact our Sales representatives for further information.