Release CW10/24

Release date: Mar 6, 2024

New Features





New Service Cases table on the Customer Machine detail page

A new table showing all the Service Cases for a specific Customer Machine is now available in the Customer Machine Detail view in Service Provider tenants.

New Service Contracts table

A table showing all configured Service Contracts and their properties is now a available to Customer Data Managers in Service Provider tenants for improved clarity.

Fixes and Improvements





Improve performance of Service Case assignment

The performance for assigning a Service Case to a User has been improved.

Make own user selectable when assigning a Service Case

You can now assign a Service Case to yourself by either choosing the topmost entry in the dropdown menu, or by selecting the appropriate entry in the alphabetically ordered list.

Show Banner before and whilst updating the platform

We are now showing an info banner 2 days in advance to a platform update and as well whilst updating the platform. Even so the planned downtimes are usually shorter than five minutes, this might be from interest, e.g. for remote sessions.

Consolidation of create buttons

The buttons to create new objects such as Service Cases, Documents, Customer Machines etc. are now placed in a more consistent manner.