Release CW 26/24

Release CW 26/24

Release date: Jun 26, 2024

Table of Contents

New Features

Production Data Queries


The public API has been enhanced with queries to obtain the production data collected via OPC-UA and stored in the time series data base of the Secure Service Hub. Two different queries are offered that are dependent on the configuration of the specific data point.

The dataPoints query can be used to gather the collected raw data. This data is neither processed nor aggregated and just bypassed by the platform.

All data points that are configured as numeric values in the data source configuration can also be requested as pre-aggregated data with the timeSeries query. The minimum time window supported is 5 minutes. Querying for larger windows is supported as well, as long as they are divisible by 5 minutes. Supported aggregations are Minimum (MIN), Maximum (MAX), Average (AVG) and Delta (DELTA).

Changes, Improvements, and Fixes

Improved Transparency for File Uploads

OperatorService Provider

The user interface was optimized regarding user feedback and clarity in the context of file uploads. This applies for both chat attachments, and Documents & Media. Users now receive specific feedback when trying to upload unsupported file types or files exceeding the file size limit of 60 MB.

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