Release CW 13/24

Release CW 13/24

Release date: Mar 27, 2024

Table of Contents

New Features

Internal Service Cases for Service Providers

Service Provider

It is now possible to create Internal Service Cases in Service Provider tenants. This type of Service Case is created by users with the roles 1st Level Support or Service Technician and all information attached to an internal Service Case stays within the tenant, i.e. no information is shared with the Customer operating the machine. Every internal Service Case comes together with an internal chat room for communication, video conferencing etc.

Thereby, the creation of internal Service Cases is enabled for all Customer Machines, irrespective of the onboarding status of the customer.

Internal Service Cases are displayed in the same views as Shared Service Cases, the user interface has been designed to clearly distinguish between both types. A pair of new filter buttons was introduced to allow focusing on the most relevant content at any time.

As the Operator tenant is no part of the Internal Service Case workflow, remote access cannot be activated and is not available for Internal Service Cases.

Link to Documentation

Prepare Edge Devices and move them to the final Customer Machine

Service Provider

Depending on the internal workflows it might be beneficial for Service Providers to prepare Edge Devices before shipping them to the customer site (e.g. install and configure Applications on the Edge Device).

The new “Move Edge Device-Workflow” allows to prepare Edge Devices while paired to an internal Customer Machine and move the device to the final Customer Machine as soon as the final customer has accepted the asset proposal without resetting installed applications and configurations.

Please contact symmedia Support to configure this feature for your tenant.

Improvements and Fixes

New Service Case Detail Page for Service Providers

Service Provider

The new design makes better use of the available screen real estate and has been improved for better overview and usability. The visibility of the closing report has been improved for closed Service Cases. Additional links to related pages, e.g. Machine, Machine Model, Customer, have been added to the user interface to improve navigation.

Furthermore, it is now possible to use the human-readable ID (e.g.: ABCD-1234) to open a Service Case, e.g.:


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Improved User Interface for Chats

Service ProviderOperator

We have optimized the user interface for chat rooms. In particular, the contrast between the text and different background colors has been enhanced. The buttons to open a video conference, create a new whiteboard, and to attach a file have been rearranged for improved usability.

Chat rooms in internal Service Cases are displayed using a specific styling for internal chat rooms to raise awareness for the fact that the customer is not able to read the messages in this chat room.

Link to Documentation

Horizontal scrolling for Tables

Service ProviderOperator

It is now possible to scroll horizontally if not all the selected columns of a table fit into the available screen real estate. This is especially helpful on devices with a low display resolution.

Display Service Case Receiver in Dialog Summary


In the dialog summary for Service Case creation by an Operator, the Service Provider of the respective asset - and thus the receiver of the Service Case - is now displayed.

New Icons for Service Cases Menu Entries

Service ProviderOperator

New icons are being used for the Service Cases menu entries for more clarity. If a user has different roles that enable him to see multiple Service Case lists, these are not displayed as tabs anymore, but provided as multiple menu entries with clearly distinguishable icons and names.

Deletion of Customer Machines

Service Provider

The workflows for deleting Customer Machines have been improved to avoid inconsistencies and problems after deletion.

Customer Machines with assigned Service Contracts can no longer be deleted. The Service Contract assignment has to be removed before deleting the Customer Machine.

Customer Machine with paired Edge Devices can no longer be deleted. The Edge Device has to be unpaired or the Customer Machine has to be downgraded first.

In the past, we had orphaned Assets with no use in the platform when the Service Providers deleted the linked Customer Machine. Now, the linked Asset of the Operator tenant will be automatically deactivated (​ it will NOT be deleted). Operators are able to re-activate the Asset to use it with limited features internally. This service is NOT free of charge and will be licensed to the Operator tenant.

Deactivation of Assets


Required User role is Workshop Manager. The action buttons and deactivated Assets are invisible for other user roles like Machine Operators.

Assets without linked Customer Machine can now be deactivated. It is not possible to install Apps nor create or reopen Service Cases for deactivated Assets. Furthermore they are invisible on the Asset overview by default. Users with the user role Workshop Manager can display deactivated Assets and re-activate them.

It needs to be considered before reactivating an Assets that active Assets are NOT free of charge (please check SaaS agreement for details).

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