Release CW37/2024

Release CW37/2024

Release date: Sep 11, 2024

New Features

Enhanced Search, Filtering & Saving in Asset Overview


The Asset Overview page has been enhanced with new features. The search field now allows a fuzzy search by various keys. The default stays to fuzzy search through all keys. Furthermore, the entered search is added as a filter which allows to add multiple filters. According to the behavior in all tables in the symmedia Hub, the filters and sorting of the Asset Overview are now saved in the users context, allowing to get the same view returning to the Asset Overview at a later point in time. This works independently from the used device or browser.

Additional Tags for Assets


The tags “Region”, “Building” and “Line” have been added to the asset object. These tags can be created and assigned within the workflows “Create Asset”, “Edit Asset” and “Accept Asset Proposal”. It is possible to filter and sort by these tags in the Asset Overview page.

Changes, Improvements, and Fixes

Improved User Feedback in Service Case Creation Dialogues

OperatorService Provider

The navigation and user feedback in several situations, in which the user is not able to create a specific type of Service Case due to missing permissions or other conditions (shared/internal), was improved.


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