Service Cases

The Service Cases module shows all service cases that the service company is responsible for, along with the following infos:

  • Service case ID
  • Priority
  • State
  • Title
  • Customer
  • Severity
  • Edge Device Status
  • Remote Access
  • Service Contracts
  • Created by
  • Assignee
  • Machine Model
  • Created on (date)
  • Serial Number
  • Technology
  • Brand
  • Service Organisation

Open service cases as well as closed service cases can be displayed.

The list of service cases can also filtered for

  • internal service cases that were created by 1st Level Support or a Service Technician for a customer machine and are not shared with anyone outside the organization. Table rows containing internal service cases have a different colour that shared service cases.
  • shared service cases that were created by the Operator (customer). All information (except the priority) is shared with the issuing tenant to ease collaboration.

Service Cases can also be accessed via the Machine Detail View.

  • Click on the dropdown box to display open / closed service cases.

By default, all service cases are displayed in the overview.

  • Toggle the display of internal service cases that were created by the Service Provider and are not linked to an asset not and not shared with any tenant by clicking on  .
  • Toggle the display of service cases that were created by the Operator and are shared with the tenant by clicking on  .

List of available service cases.

  • Sort the list by using the buttons in the top row.
  • Search for a certain term within a respective column using the filter button and typing something into the search field.

  • Customize the displayed columns by clicking on .
    • Check the entries from the list of columns to be displayed in the overview.
    • Align the sequence of the entries by dragging & dropping the entries in your desired order.

The selections will be permanently stored for your user and can be reset to factory setting by clicking .

Create Internal Service Cases

Internal service cases can be created by users in Service Provider tenants. This type of service case is created by users with the roles 1st Level Support or Service Technician and all information attached to an internal service case stays within the tenant, i.e. no information is shared with the customer operating the machine.

Thereby, the creation of internal service cases is enabled for all customer machines, irrespective of the onboarding status of the customer.

Internal service cases are shown in the same views as shared service cases, the user interface has been designed to clearly distinguish between both types. A pair of new filter buttons was introduced to allow focusing on the most relevant content at any time.

As the Operator tenant is no part of the internal service case workflow, remote access cannot be activated and is not available for internal service cases.

  • Click on to create a new internal service case.

Standard Inputs.

  • Type a title for the service case into the Title field (mandatory).
  • If a machine is not already pre-selected, select the affected machine from the Machine dropdown list.
  • Type a contact email address for the service case into the field Contact e-Mail.
  • Add a description for the service case in the field Description.
  • Proceed by clicking .


  • Choose a severity for the Service Case from the Severity dropdown list.
  • Choose a priority (trivial, low, high, blocker) from the Priority dropdown list.
  • Choose an assignee for this service case from the Assignee dropdown list.
  • Proceed by clicking .


A summary of your input is displayed.

  • If all input is correct, create the new service case by clicking .

Your new  internal service case was added to the list of service cases.

Service Case Detail View

Service Case Panel

Shows the following infos about the selected service case:

  • Title: Title of the service case.
  • State: Status of the service case. New, in progress and closed are the available entries.
  • Assignee: Choose an assignee from the list of available service technicians. you can also assign the service case to yourself or set the status to "unassigned".
  • Priority: A priority for the service case can be selected here. Trivial, low, medium, high and blocker are the available entries.
  • Created on: Date and time of initiation the service case.
  • Last modified: Date and time of the latest update of the service case.
  • Watching / Unwatched: Click on this button to activate / deactivate notifications about the service case progress.
  • Closed on: Date and time of closing of service case (only for closed service cases)

Service Case Details

  • Title of Service Case
  • Description: Detailed information about the issue in the production company. The service provider can see what the problem is and how it affects the production.
  • Severity: Information about how severe the service case impacts the production.
  • Created by: Name of operator that initiated the service case.
  • Contact e-mail: Mail address of further contacts for this service case, if filled by operator.
  • Customer: Customer name. Link directs to customer details under Customer section.
  • Phone: Customer phone contact.


  • Serial number of affected machine. Directs to machine detail view.
  • Machine Model directs to affected machine model detail view.
  • Brand of affected machine.
  • Technology of affected machine.
  • Service Organisation: Customer service organisation.

Edge Device

  • ID of Edge Device. Directs to Edge Device Detail View.
  • Status (Online / Offline).
  • Serial Number of Edge Device.
  • Edge Device Type (Brand).

Remote Access

  • To establish a remote connection to the machine, choose a tunnel type from the Tunnel dropdown list and start the remote tunnel by clicking

Adjust the tunnel configuration for the current session by clicking. Changes are not persisted. 

  • Enter the IP address of your local machine in the field Local IP (optional).
  • Enter the port of your local machine in the field Local Port (optional).
  • Enter the IP address of the target you want to connect to in the field Remote IP.
  • Enter the IP port of the target you want to connect to in the field Remote Port.
  • If you want to use a local proxy, enter the proxy IP address in the field Local Proxy Id in the format
  • Finish input with .

Your active session appears in the Sessions panel.

  • Switch a session from active to inactive  via the button in the Active column.

File Transfer

Get access to the machine of the operator with this option by connecting to an endpoint where you can send files to the operators local machine.

  • Choose an endpoint from your drowdown list.
  • Click .

You are now able to download files from the respective file transfer endpoint.


Two types of chat functionality are available in Service Cases:

  1. Shared: The shared chat can be viewed by the Operator as well as the Service Provider and serves as a communication tool about the respective Service Case between each other.
  2. Internal: The internal chat can not be accessed by people outside of the Service Provider´s organisation.
    Information in the “internal” chatroom is not visible for people outside the tenant but directly linked to the respective Service Case, so that it can help with internal communication and alignment.

  • Toggle between internal ad shared chat via the  button.

Inititalize service chat with operator.

  • Type messages into input field and click to send.
  • Start new whiteboard session or upload file to chat by clicking .

You can also start a video conference with the operator by clicking on .

For more details about hosting a video conference, view the Conferencing documentation.


Audit Log, shows all actions and changes that occured on this service case.