

The Machines module shows a list of all customer machines of your tenant where the user has access to, along with the following infos:

  • Serial number
    • Serial number of the machine.
    • This information is shared between customer machine of the service provider and the linked asset of the operator.
  • Machine model
    • Shows the selected machine model of the machine. Some configurations (e.g. tunnel configurations) and categories (e.g. brand or technology), are inherited from the machine model.
  • Technology
    • Is inherited from the machine model.
  • Customer
    • The customer the machine has been produced for and/or sold to.
  • Warranty
    • Shows the entered warranty of the machine.
    • In the default mode, an expired warranty has no effect on the functions of the linked asset on customer side.
  • Pair edge device
    • If no edge device is paired, a button is displayed that opens the PAIR EDGE DEVICE function. This button only works with an onboarded customer.
    • If an edge device is paired to the customer machine, the edge device serial number is displayed.
  • Connection status
    • The connection status of the customer machine shows if this machine is linked to an asset on the customer side.
    • New
      • The customer machine is NOT linked to an asset of the customer 
      • It has no influence on the status NEW if an edge device is paired or not.
      • This customer machine is licensed as an unconnected machine on the platform
    • Proposed
      • The customer machine has been proposed to the customer to provide service, but this proposal has not been accepted so far
      • It has no influence on the status NEW if an edge device is paired or not.
      • This customer machine is licensed as an unconnected machine on the platform
    • Unconnected
      • The customer machine is linked to an asset on the customer side, but NO edge device is paired.
      • This customer machine is licensed as an unconnected machine on the platform.
    • Connected 
      • The customer machine is linked to an asset and as well an edge device is paired
      • This customer machine is licensed as a connected machine on the platform.

Unconnected and connected machines are usually NOT free of charge and will be licensed and billed by the platform provider. For additional information please read the SaaS agreement.

New machines can be added to a customer and existing machines can be edited and proposed to customers in this module.

Main View

List of machines assigned to a selected customer.

  • Sort the list by using the buttons in the top row.
  • Search for a certain term within a respective column using the filter button and typing something into the search field.

Add a new machine by clicking the  button.

A dialog for entering the machine details opens.

  1. Choose a customer from the Customer list of stored customers (mandatory).
  2. Enter serial number of machine in field Serial Number (mandatory).
  3. Enter External ID in field External ID (optional, to be used for ERP systems).
  4. Choose a machine model from the Machine Model list of stored machine models.
  5. Set a date for beginning of the warranty in the Warranty Begin date chooser and for the end of the warranty in the Warranty End date chooser.
  6. Enter edge device serial number to be allocated to the machine.
  7. If the machine already existed in symmedia SP/1, check box Machine is migrated from SP/1.

  • Finish adding the new machine by clicking the   button.


  • Pair the added machine with an edge device by clicking the button.
  • After choosing PAIR EDGE DEVICE, select an edge device from the dropdown list that is not already paired and click the  button.

Currently it is only possible to link one customer machine to one edge device. It is foreseen that multiple machines per edge device will be possible in future.

The machine is now paired with an edge device and all info is displayed at a glance.

  • Click the button to close the dialog or go back via the  button to change the entry.
  • Edit an existing entry by clicking the button.

After clicking the button

  1. Choose a customer from the Customer list of stored customers (mandatory).
  2. Enter serial number of machine in field Serial Number (mandatory).
  3. Enter External ID in field External ID (optional, to be used for ERP systems).
  4. Choose a machine model from the Machine Model list of stored machine models.
  5. Set a date for beginning of the warranty in the Warranty Begin date chooser and for the end of the warranty in the Warranty End date chooser.
  • Finish adding the new machine by clicking the   button.


  • pair the added machine with an edge device by clicking the button.

  • After choosing PAIR EDGE DEVICE, select an edge device from the dropdown list that is not already paired and click the  button.

  • Delete an existing entry by clicking the button.

Customer machines can be deleted from the platform if no longer needed or created as a test. Keep in mind that Service Cases for this machine can no longer be opened once the machine has been deleted.

Depending on the state and the linked object, the deletion behavior differs:

  • Customer machines with a paired Edge Device can not be deleted. The edge device needs to be unpaired, moved or downgraded first.
  • Customer machines in the state NEW can be deleted without any interference.
  • Customer machines in the state PROPOSED can be deleted, the customers asset proposal will be deleted as well. The customer receives no notification.
  • Customer machines in the state UNCONNECTED can be deleted, the linked asset of the customer will automatically be set to the state "DEACTIVATED", no asset-related data, such as production data, will be deleted. Users of the customer tenant with the user role "Workshop Manager" are able to re-activate the asset if they are willing to pay the corresponding license fee.

  • Propose an asset to the customer for providing service by clicking .

A dialog opens to confirm the proposal of providing service for the respective machine to the customer.

  • Confirm the proposal via .
  • Revoke an asset proposal by clicking .

After proposing the customer machine to the customer (machine state = proposed), this proposal can be revoked. The status of the customer machine will be set back to New

Afterwards it is possible to send a new asset proposal to the customer.

  • Downgrade a customer machine from Connected to Unconnected and remove the edge device from the machine by clicking .

A dialog opens to change the status  of the machine from Connected to Unconnected and remove the edge device from the machine.

  • Confirm the proposal via .
  • Customize the displayed columns by clicking on .
  • Check the entries from the list of columns to be displayed in the overview.
  • Align the sequence of the entries by dragging & dropping the entries in your desired order.

The selections will be permanently stored for your user and can be reset to factory setting by clicking .

  • Export the machine data to a CSV file by clicking on .
  • Check the entries from the list of columns to be exported to a CSV file. Only the checked columns will be exported.
  • You can export all data from your list of machines by checking All Data or only a filtered selection by checking Filtered Data.
  • Generate the CSV file by clicking on .

A CSV file will be generated and saved to your downloads folder:

It is only possible to select and export the columns that are currently visible in the table. If want to export further columns they need to be added to the table as described under .

Machine Detail View

  • Choose an entry from the list of machines in the main view to display the machine detail view.

Here, your machine details are displayed on left hand side.
Between the two tabs on the right hand side, you can choose to display your Service Contracts and your Service Cases.

Service Contracts

Service contracts can be created by the symmedia Consulting team.

Service Provider users with the role Customer Data Manager can assign a service contract to a customer machine.

List of Service Contracts.

  • Search for a certain term within a respective column using the filter button and select an entry as a filter criteria.

  • Click on to assign a service contract to the selected machine.
  • Choose a service contract type from the Service Contact Dropdown list.
  • Select or type a service contract start date in the Start date date picker and  service contract end date in the End date date picker.
  • Click to assign the service contract to the machine.

The service contract is now assigned to the machine.

  • Edit an existing entry by clicking the button.
  • Delete an existing entry by clicking the button.

  • Customize the displayed columns by clicking on .
    • Check the entries from the list of columns to be displayed in the overview.
    • Align the sequence of the entries by dragging & dropping the entries in your desired order.

The selections will be permanently stored for your user and can be reset to factory setting by clicking .

Service Cases

View Service Cases page for details.